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Ability Photoalbum (Download) 4

Ability Photoalbum (Download) 4

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Ability Photoalbum (Download) Publisher's Description

Ability Photoalbum is a user-friendly image organiser that lets users store and easily locate their digital photos and other images, supporting all the common formats.

This application features a multi-window interface, displaying a clear outline of folders, albums and favourites, file lists with property pages, and choices of full screen or thumbnail views of all pictures in a selected folder or album.

The inclusion of the Image Toolbar provides uncomplicated, single click access to much of the photo-editing power of Ability Photopaint. Users can select multiple images or whole ?albums` and view the images as a full screen ?slide show`. Includes:

  • Image titles and captions can be recorded as properties
  • Print Wizard which allows easy selection of 1, 2, 4 or 16 images per page
  • Batch conversion with resize
  • Utilised by other Ability programs for image selection to ease locating required image

Ability Photoalbum is ideal for non-Windows XP users to provide an advanced image handling system not available with some other operating systems.

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